

The views expressed here are those of Mahes Visvalingam alone. She is just an open-minded, curiosity-driven independent researcher whose teaching portfolio included The Philosophy and Methodology of Science to postgraduates at the University of Hull.  When she realised that additives in food and allopathic medicines were responsible for her chronic diseases, she started to explore complementary therapies in 1988 and is now a lot fitter.


This site contains notes on her ad-hoc experimental use of natural remedies for treating common ailments.  She is not a certified health professional.  She acknowledges that A little knowledge is a dangerous thing and that Curiosity killed the cat; it may well kill her


There is the old saying that One man's food is another man's poison. As with food, One man’s medicine can be another man's aggravation, even if not poison.  This applies not only to allopathic drugs (leaflets enclosed in packets often cite contraindications) but also to some natural cures (which often do not).  Many systems of natural healing classify people into types according to their constitution.  They believe that even the food which cures one person of an ailment may aggravate another's condition.   So, the accounts provided in this website are for information only and for use by researchers interested in case studies.  You should not act on it without consulting a suitably trained medical professional.  Mahes Visvalingam shall not be held responsible or liable for any use of the information contained in this website.


The site provides links to other interesting sites.  Please read widely before you decide to try a treatment.  Much of the literature on the effectiveness of alternative therapies tends to be second-hand accounts.  First-hand accounts (like those provided here) tend to be anecdotal and subjective and may be contradictory and confusing.  This is inevitable given that people respond differently to most treatments (see controversy).